Have you ever felt like this—
You’re doing everything you’ve been told to do (sales templates, sales script, sales cadence) and on occasion, you even go off script to send your own follow-up messages and yet you get nothing.
Total silence.
It’s frustrating. Beyond frustrating actually because you feel like you’ve tried everything but you just aren’t closing the deals or getting the engagement or numbers you need.
Take heart.
It’s them. Not you. And it’s not your prospects.
It’s your leaders.
They’re still thinking that buyers buy the way they used to buy. Own the product knowledge and you own the sale. Throw enough against the wall and something will stick.
But that isn’t what top performers do today. They are guided by the latest research. They focus on engaging with the prospect where they are. They realize it’s not a game and it’s especially not a game of push, push, push. Rather, it’s an act of respect and love.
Transform your desire to make the sale to helping them create greater success.
And stop pushing. No one – no one! – wants an email every other day from you, and a call in between.
No one wants an email that begins with, “My name is ____, and I represent _________.
No one wants an email where every sentence or paragraph begins with “I”.
No one wants to be asked, “Are you the right person…?”
No one wants a generic email, “Hi!” Like an executive said to one of my clients, “Maybe you should know something about our business before you continue.”
To feel and be most successful, do what your competitors aren’t. To be most successful, do what works today. Now.
Be human.
Use a humorous subject line.
Before you go—
The whirlwind is behind us and the future is bright! With two-thirds of buyers preferring remote interactions – digital and virtual – polishing your email selling skills is key to dramatically improving sales.
It’s time to stop sending email after email only to be ignored! You can write quick, strategic, smart messages that get results and drive sales!
Check availability for a fully customized on-site sales training workshop or virtual training series. Visit Sue’s website, email
or call +1-480-575-9711 for possibilities.