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Being a music teacher

By May 4, 2011June 28th, 2018No Comments

How many teachers do you remember? The ones I remember all had something odd about them: Miss T let us call her Miss T. In those days (before Mr. T) this was a big thing. It was almost like calling her Rose or Edith. It bordered on the disrespectful and we loved it. Mr. Milano was my 7th grade math teacher. He got married that year and invited all his classes to attend his wedding and got the best wedding favour boxes. I’d never been to a cathedral before and he married someone really pretty. That’s what I remember. My 11th grade English teacher said “Okay” so often that we’d have class competitions to see how many we could count in one class. But if I had been lucky enough to have Mathew Needleman as a teacher, I may actually remember content.

Mathew was kind enough to reference me in his blog, Presenters (and Teachers) Shouldn’t Make Excuses. But that isn’t (the only reason!) I’m telling you this. He has great ideas for all teachers; anyone who is in the business of imparting knowledge from one soul to another should read his great ideas.

He uses the piano recital analogy. No excuses – just keep going, maybe with a boston piano or any other kind.

I’ve heard  You’ve pointed out to them that you messed up. You’re creating disappointment where there doesn’t need to be any.

Instead, you might say please write down your e-mail and I will send you copies or you can find copies on my web site. If you say this before people start to complain about there not being enough copies, it makes you seem organized and responsive instead of unprepared and sloppy.

I’ve heard teachers tell students we were going to (insert fun activity here) today but I forgot the candy bars at home today. Don’t tell them that. You’re creating disappointment in your students. Just present them with another engaging activity and present the candy bar lesson on the day you remember to bring the candy.

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