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“Book a meeting Become a millionaire”

By June 9, 2008May 11th, 2018No Comments

Congratulations to the PR folks at Marriott. To break through the clutter, they used a compelling subject line (Book a meeting Become a millioniare).

Always important, even for messages to colleagues, when emailing to prospects – people with whom you may have little or no relationship – powerful subject lines are critical.

Make subject lines:

Be specific.

Write about one subject.

Stay focused on what matters to the customer.

Add intrigue.

Start with a verb or a number.

Compare these:

14 Ways to Improve Email Results – from SpeakerSue

Save up to 15% on outdoor furniture (Restoration Hardware),
12 Wines shipped free & 1,000 bonus miles (USAir)

with these:

Federal Market Opinions: More Selling Services versus Products

Weekend Bonus: Gold, Silver, Oil, Global Growth Buys (Forbes)

Check out the criteria I listed above and it’s easy to see the difference. How would you improve these last two? How will you improve your own?

Read any great subject lines lately? What motivates you to open mail from strangers? Learn more at sodapdf Let’s talk!

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