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Email Subject Lines to Win More Deals + One idea I never thought I’d recommend

By October 29, 2021No Comments

Whoa! When I read that 35% of emails are opened (or not) because of subject line, my first thought was, misleading.


Because, that means with 65% of emails, the subject line doesn’t add or subtract to interest, but too many sales development reps think it’s all about the subject line. It isn’t.

Next, subject line research is almost always about marketing, promotions, job app and newsletter opens. It is NOT about sales development, prospecting and “introductory” personalized emails.

Can the subject line influence potential buyers to open your email? Yes!

Some research says emails with 6 to 10 words in the subject line have the highest open rate. Some count characters (41 sweet spot).

But really?

What makes a great email subject line isn’t the number of words.

More, once you and your buyer have a relationship, you can relax because the subject line doesn’t really matter.

But while prospecting and engaging new buyers, keep your subject line:
Concise and human.
Interesting and not sales-y.
Personalized and not fake.
Exciting and honest.
Creative and bold.
Specific and simple.

So how do you do that?

Get your persona right. Focus on the chooser’s needs in the subject line (and email) before the (end) user’s needs. Consider level of seniority. And the industry. Match your subject line with the content of your email.

Then write to them.

Here are some examples you can use:
Here are some examples you can use:
Quick call (Day)
Question about (X initiative)
A (benefit) for (X company)
and a new one that is working (and previously I have not recommended)
(Your Name) from (your company)* (Especially good for higher seniority)

Whatever you do, help your prospect WANT to open your email by avoiding:
Questions you should have answers to (Who is in charge of X at company)?
Getting too personal (So, you like sushi?)
Negative (You may not have time for this…)
Fake stuff that you can’t possibly know if it’s true yet (I can make your life 30% easier)
Cute stuff (Tired of salespeople?)
Outdated verbiage (Ready for a quick touch base?)
Being creepy.

Just because they open, doesn’t mean they buy. And if you piss them off once you can say good bye.

Use your personality, their needs and your brand voice to create subject lines that authentically pique interest. Test options to discover the subject lines that win not just opens – ACTION – for you.

PS. Emojis in subject lines add personality and boost open rates by as much as 57%. To a senior leader? Probably not. But SDRs – try it, you may like it! 🙂

Before you go—
The whirlwind is behind us and the future is bright! With two-thirds of buyers preferring remote interactions – digital and virtual – polishing your email selling skills is key to dramatically improving sales.

It’s time to stop sending email after email only to be ignored! You can write quick, strategic, smart messages that get results and drive sales!

Check availability for a fully customized on-site sales training workshop or virtual training series. Visit Sue’s website, email


or call +1-480-575-9711 for possibilities.


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