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How to sell in this bad market

By December 30, 2008No Comments

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

It’s back to the most basic tool in the kit. Stress ROI.

Invite your customer to buy from you (instead of your competitors who look very similar to you) by helping them see that your focus is on their success (and make sure it is).

Don’t fake it. Today, I received a call to wish me happy new year. Right. I send money monthly for this service and have been for years. No one has ever called to wish me anything. But today, just before they asked for an increase, they told me they were calling to wish me…

Hugging your customer means authentically putting their success above your own. That doesn’t mean you lower your prices to accommodate their budget.  It means you help them see how using your services increases their bottom-line. And if it doesn’t, don’t lie. Look for customers you can help. There are plenty of them out there.

Selling in today’s market means loving your customer more than ever.

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