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Salespeople who practice sell more…

By April 18, 2012No Comments

I should be running right now. With the St. Judes 1/2 marathon just 10 days a way, I know that I need to get a last long run in by April 15. (I’m writing this on the 14th.) It’s cold though (for Arizona), rainy (for Arizona) and really windy. I’ll wait until tomorrow…

But I’ll do it. Because if I don’t, I know it will be that much more difficult to finish the race. When I start getting tired, I’ll be able to remind myself that I did it in a practice run. No sweat.

Sales professionals often forget that they need to force themselves to do the same practice run. (Of course, if they never try new ideas, or push themselves to do something better or differently, they’re right; there is no need to practice (and you probably don’t need their outdated skills anymore).

What new idea did you or your team learn last week that you want to apply to sell more, more easily? How will you practice using it? Just like any sport -or really anything in life, the more you practice (correctly), the more confidence you’ll have. Get good before it counts and you’ll have the confidence to shine – and profit.

When was the last training session you provided for your sales team? Was it product knowledge or new ideas to be more persuasive based on what matters to customers today in their buying process?

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