Call me a slow learner. My client told me his sales team was extraordinarily talented except for a few people who complain a lot, sell a little and seem to…
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Sue has spent years honing her craft, and if you’ve ever heard her speak, you know how passionate she is about what she does. If you have not witnessed her in person, you can still learn from her and enjoy her years of research, professionally and passionately laid out in writing for all to enjoy.
Jill Beraud, Pepsi’s Chief Marketing Officer, for Fast Company’s “30-second MBA” answered the question, What is too much information in an Information Age. The answer (in less than 30 seconds):…
It seems like everyone today talks about the importance of story, of telling your story and of differentiating your idea with story. Consultants and bloggers explain the different types of…
Have you ever noticed that your boss doesn’t always agree with what you suggest? Sometimes it’s because he/she just don’t agree the idea is good. Often, though, it’s because the…
Here is the fundamental flaw in relationship selling: Relying on it too much. Some sales people think if they write things like: • It was a pleasure to speak to…
Show respect. Respect them by writing truthful, clear, relevant messages. Respect them by asking them to clarify what they mean and what they need rather than jumping to conclusions. Respect…
If you were ever a kid, you probably remember Disney’s Snow White and the Seven Dwarf’s song, Whistle While You Work. Keeping a happy attitude solved everything. And though I…
How do you create a message that gets read? Be being strategic. Understand readers go through 3 quick decisions when deciding how much time to allot to your message: 1….