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Whether you’re hosting meetings or are the meeting owner, creating the best, most meaningful virtual experience is the main event.

Yet too many sales professionals – excellent talkers! – aren’t prepared for the prep and strategy that go into listening for points of agreement, keeping prospects engaged and conversation flowing while proposing the best solution and building trust, intimacy and emotional certainty!

Just because you’re talking doesn’t mean they’re listening!

And there is so much more to manage during the virtual presentation. The challenging question they throw your way. The stakeholder who wants to move to slide 18 but you’re on slide five. That person you’d prefer to talk to offline who talks and talks and talks. (Where is that mute button?!) And we haven’t even gotten to the awkward silences or multi-tasking and other distractions that keep them from engaging with you.

Even if you – or your facilitators – presented hundreds of times, it doesn’t mean you’re prepared to win in a virtual environment. And (maybe) worst of all, we can be so into our presentation we don’t even realize they’re answering their emails, shopping the sales and ordering dinner.

SpeakerSue will fully customize your training for your needs, your brand, your team. Here are a few suggested topics to whet your appetite and immediately boost your team’s success.


From webinar training series to full blown keynote to energize and inspire your team, SpeakerSue is ready. Yes, it’s not the same without the hugs and eye-to-eye contact. But for now, you can count on relevant content and passionate delivery to delight your team.

SpeakerSue’s Virtual Sales Training University is coming too. Be ready to boost your success and live your dreams.