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Stop Annoying Your Co-workers with these Common Responses

By May 7, 2021No Comments

“Got it”


You’ve been there before. You crafted a thoughtful message explaining or asking, and your colleague/boss responds to your efforts with “Got it”.

Unbelievable that you took time to present details and content to ensure s/he understood the full picture, had the facts and heard the evidence.

And all they can manage to respond is “Noted”.

Here is the thing: The person who responded that way likely thought s/he was doing you a favor because they took the time (nanosecond!) to confirm receipt of your message. Or, were they saying they understood the point of your email? And if so, what is the next step?

Email conflict – read poor working relationships – happen when there is an imbalance between the work/thoughtfulness/care the writer exerts, and the lack of same in the reader’s response.

To stop annoying colleagues, show some compassion and positivity:

“Thanks. I’ll get back to you next week.”

“Appreciate your effort. I’ll get back to you after I review.”

“Thank you for sending.”

“Very helpful. Thanks.”

“Totally understand your point. Let’s add to X agenda.”

A little respect goes a long way.

Please don’t interpret this post to mean writers can write rambling, purpose-less messages and expect the recipient to read the hot mess.

No one has the time nor inclination to sift through a jumble of words to find the point (if there even is a point). And how disrespectful on the writer’s part to expect them to do so.

LEADER: If your associates write disorganized, unclear, unprofessional messages, it’s time to get them email training. (Hint! Hint!)

EVERYONE ELSE: If you’re not getting the results you want, it’s time to learn to write purposeful, concise, caring and clear emails.

Question for you: What other responses annoy you?

Before you go…

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PS. What comments, ideas or stories do you have to add to today’s post? You can do me a huge favor by adding your insights and comments, or forwarding the post. Thanks for your help!

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