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Tired of lowering your prices? Good! Don’t…

By April 10, 2013No Comments

Because I only present customized workshops for my clients (this always negates any concern about conflicts between similar type clients and is more practical for them and more fun for me), I get to review a lot of email that sales people write.

If you (or your team) are like the earnest and eager sales professionals I work with, your emails may sound something like this:

Email from prospect: We’ve reviewed your proposal and it sounds good except for the price. We’d love to use your _______ (product, service, idea) but I have a better price from your competitor. Can you do any better?

Email to prospect: I will speak to my Revenue Manager to see what we can do. Can you tell me who we’re up against?

Email from prospect: (None arrives)

Email to prospect: Hi and great news! I was able to persuade my revenue manager to provide X and Y and also give you A and B off your ______, plus we will throw in __________. If this meets your approval, please let me know and I will send the sales agreement to confirm ____.

Look familiar? I so hope not.

Here is what I see: Not enough work was done up front by the salesperson to create a valuable value prop for the customer. The customer thinks that she is comparing apples to apples because you didn’t help her to envision her success with your product.She thinks that the results she will receive will be identical even though the product is not.

What issue-based questions did you ask during your selling process?
How did you help her feel safe and smart selecting your option?
How did you help her sell your solution to her stakeholders?
How did you stimulate her thinking and take her beyond the success she imagined (without promising that you’ll exceed expectations [please do not ever promise that before hand because you simply raise expectations!])?

One more thing: We teach people how to treat us. If you’re willing to cave in (do I smell desperate?) without an equal concession, what have you taught your customer about your sales strategy? (Yes, I did say without an equal concession from them. If my price is $XXX and you want to pay less, then what are you willing to give up?)

And, stop blaming or crediting someone above you (Revenue Manager) for saying yes or no. If you need to always confer with someone else, you’ll teach your customer to just ask for the person with the authority (which you’ve made plain, isn’t you).

Did this help? Stop giving away the store. Build value. Make yourself different in the eyes of your buyer by helping them to see the value, experience, results they’ll gain from working with you.

Does this make sense? The first person with a question will receive a free copy of my book, Power Sales Writing: Second Edition.

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