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Using Email to Build Rapport

By August 19, 2022No Comments

Would you agree that building rapport is the hardest part of email sales writing?

It must be because, “But how do I start?”, is one of the most common questions I’m asked.

Participants in my sales training classes – before training! – default to inauthentic openings like, “How are you today?” Please, no! That opening is like a neon sign that flashes, “Sales pitch coming!”

It’s a totally outdated sales approach mainly because it is inauthentic!

You don’t care and they don’t care to tell you. (If you’re reading this in EMEA, you do get a bit of a pass. You are far more courteous than we are, particularly here in the US, and though you have definite options to create a better impression, depending on culture, this may pass as an acceptable [non-descript] opener.

So how do you build rapport digitally?

Stop thinking of it as rapport building. Instead, think about how you can create authentic human connection.
What observation can you make that will be relevant to their business needs?
What touchpoint do you have that explains why you’re invading their inbox?
What authentic success can you help them to imagine?
What content might pique their interest because of its relevance and personalization?

Too many sellers think they can say something polite/nice and then move in for the kill. Maybe that used to work but it does not anymore.

The purpose of “rapport building” is to open the door to a more robust conversation.

When you go for genuine human connection, instead of a throw-away, meaningless opening line, you open the door to building a trusting relationship – and business too.

Before you go—
The whirlwind is behind us and the future is bright! With two-thirds of buyers preferring remote interactions – digital and virtual – polishing your email selling skills is key to dramatically improving sales.

It’s time to stop sending email after email only to be ignored! You can write quick, strategic, smart messages that get results and drive sales!

Check availability for a fully customized on-site sales training workshop or virtual training series. Visit Sue’s website, email or call +1-480-575-9711 for possibilities.


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