Do you know how difficult it is to find research about sales emails that is actually new, meaningful and enables results?
As part of my new work with sales enablement, SDRs and account managers, I’ve been clearing out any research that is older than January 2020 and researching what top performers are doing to be at the top of their game now.
For instance-
“Research suggests that between 35 – 50% of sales go to the first-responding vendor.” True or false?
Top performers know the answer. But if you get it wrong, it’s because this “research” is still being quoted in Hubspot and other sites. Buyer beware. It’s only if you actually click and read (always a good idea!), because there is no caveat mentioning this research was first reported in the Harvard Business Review in March 2011.
MARCH 2011?!
Ten years is about a lifetime ago. Have things (as in everything!) not changed since then and/or since the start of the pandemic?
In my promise to myself to not include any research prior to 2020 so my clients actually have a clear competitive edge, looking for research showing the importance of a super quick response and discovered this bit:
“Almost ⅔ of buyers expect a response within 10 minutes to any sales inquiry.”
Whoa! The research? HubSpot Research Consumer Customer Support Survey Q2 2018, based on 1,000 consumers in the US, UK, Australia and Singapore reporting “Percentage of consumers who define “immediate” as 10 minutes or less, by their stage in the customer sales journey.”
Am I crazy? (Don’t answer that!)
Yes! The research is sound (though three+ years old). The interpretation however, questionable. You bet if I’m calling to buy shoes and I have a question about sizing and I’m on hold for 10 minutes, I will buy somewhere else and something else. Rank me at 100% pissed.
But does that mean my sales team must respond to an enquiry within 10 minutes, or even first. NO!
Should my sales team be fully prepared to send an auto response thanking the prospect for the enquiry, telling them when they can expect a thoughtful response and exciting the prospect about what a possible collaboration can mean to them? YES!
But must you be first? Who knows? Some prospects may be in such pain that no matter what or who responds first, they’ll say, “Yes, please” to get out of that pain. But I’m not betting the farm on that 2011 research and neither should you.
So here is one you can take to the bank: Make it about them!
I’ve written about this previously but here is 2021 research to back it up.
Top sales reps use you, your, and your team 29% more often than their average and underperforming peers.
Easy peasy to drive more revenue and close more leads with up-to-date email sales research that measures what matters now.
Before you go—
The whirlwind is behind us and the future is bright! With two-thirds of buyers preferring remote interactions – digital and virtual – polishing your email selling skills is key to dramatically improving sales.
It’s time to stop sending email after email only to be ignored! You can write quick, strategic, smart messages that get results and drive sales!
Check availability for a fully customized on-site sales training workshop or virtual training series. Visit Sue’s website, email
or call +1-480-575-9711 for possibilities.