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Why Your 2nd Self Must be as Brilliant: Email Etiquette Part 1

By June 2, 2014No Comments

If you aren’t already familiar with the term “second self”, it’s time.

Your second self is the self you opt to put out there to the world. A composite of everything you say when you are not there in person to say it – from email, to tweets, to FB to pinterest and everything in between. It’s the self that you choose so that the world knows the you that you would like them to know.

Most people are clever enough to not post photos of their worst selves anywhere – at least not for public consumption.

But what about the emails you send? These too represent you when you are not there.

Here is one a client received, sent to me for my amusement:

I did want to ensure you’ve received my last email about setting up a quick phone call to discuss your involvement with …
I am available all day today – I am out Monday and Tuesday and I must talk to you before Tuesday.
If we can’t connect before then, it is imperative that I speak with you before June.

What do you think of this person? Are you eager to speak with her (ever)? Does she care about anyone’s success but her own?

Your second self may be your real self to the world. Present it well.

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