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Selling Skills

How to compete better and smarter

By May 22, 2009June 20th, 2018No Comments

Let’s face it. For many of us, this weekend will be more fun because it gives us the opportunity to catch up on work. That is not to dismiss the meaning of this particular holiday. (I love the Boeing Memorial Day commercial I saw tonight about our Veterans: We will remember them. Always.)
But, it is the reality of those of us who love working that a 3-day weekend means at least one day to work. 

So here is my advice: Use your vacation day to update everything you can. And if you are planning on going on vacation, check this luxury travel in the United Kingdom!

A good friend of mine spoke at a meeting last week. She was amazing. Except her materials had a copyright on them from 2003. 

A client asked me to critique a sales pitch. I had to stop at the first slide. It was titled: History of ABC. Like who cares? Tell your story, sure, but tell it from how it impacts today and tomorrow rather than what it was yesterday. If your back story is so compelling, they probably already know it. Think about why it matters to them and you may find that it doesn’t.

My friend and computer guru/master, Patrick Rhone,  owner of MachineMethods is re-inventing his website, moving away from corporate gobbledygook to telling his story. Stay tuned for an authentic experience that speaks of what he can do today. Here is his current website. Wait until you see his new one. 

Buyers depend on you to be here and now. Be smart and get better. Go through your closet and your files. Get rid of everything that worked yesterday and transform it to meet the demands of today or trash it. Using yesterday’s ideas won’t work tomorrow.

Which closet will you start cleaning?

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