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3 Tips to Evolve – and Supercharge! – Your Sales Results

By April 2, 2021No Comments

It’s funny the things you remember! My long-dead grandma used to say, “There is nothing new under the sun.” I recently learned this might be a biblical passage and believe me, that wasn’t where she got it!

She just meant that even as things change, the most important things stay the same. Families change, love stays. The way we communicate changes, the purpose behind connecting stays the same.

But things do change and sales professionals should be leading the charge.

Here are three tips to evolve, change and supercharge your sales results:

1. Update your value prop: How are your customers determining value now?
As a sales trainer and consultant, most of my presentations now are from my home office to sales professionals in their home offices. How has that changed the results the meeting planner/HR manager wants? It’s not about having a unique value proposition, it’s about being laser-focused on what matters to your buyer.

2. Stop the rush to discount
Buyers always want the fairest pricing but that doesn’t mean a discount is needed. Stop using cheaper as a sales strategy. In fact, don’t even use the word “discount” (or budget-friendly or cheap!) unless your product/service is fully geared to that market.

Sell to the buyer you want not the one you don’t!

3. Ditch perfection, go for connection
Scripts have never worked but reading from a script on a zoom meeting is simply disrespectful. (This is true even if it’s a webinar!) Use your notes, of course! But trying to be perfect, by reading a sales script will no longer work (if it ever did). Today the sale is about connection and care.

Think in terms of the action your buyer needs when emailing and presenting. Will your solution:
Increase sales
Drive revenue
Retain talent
Speed up the sales cycle
Boost profitability
Increase productivity

or maybe (wedding specialists, I’m looking at you!):
Be fun, magical, special
Celebrate their special love
Create memories that last a lifetime.

Nothing may change under the sun but that doesn’t mean your approach should be boring or old-school. Evolve and supercharge your sales results with fresh, smart messaging that revolves around your buyer to sky-rocket your success.

Before you go…

Looking for practical, specific ideas to position your team for success when recovery comes? Sue provides engaging, fully customized virtual training that will energize your team – and their sales results.

To learn more about virtual training possibilities custom fit to your needs, please email


or call (+1-480-575-9711). Your team will thank you for giving them the tools they need now.

PS. What comments, ideas or stories do you have to add to today’s post? You can do me a huge favor by adding your insights and comments, or forwarding the post. Thanks for your help!

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