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Great Emails Start with Great Questions

By March 26, 2021No Comments

I was working with a group of wedding specialists and they echoed a challenge almost all sellers have.

How do you handle a client who keeps pushing for a lower price when you’ve gone as low as you can go?

Your best offer is on the table. You know their experience/product/service will be worth every penny and as much as you’d like the business, you can’t lower the rate.

So why are they still pushing? As George Costanza said, “It’s not them, it’s you.”

Did you inadvertently push them into a price negotiation because you sound like everyone else – transactional, thorough, uncaring?

Or, did you create excitement for your unique value proposition?

Even more, did you ask the right questions to create distinction?

Before getting into this situation – at the first sign of negotiation – did you politely ask, “What are you comparing us to?”

And even before that, did you show insight and care by avoiding these transactional questions?
What are your dates?
Are you flexible?
How many guests do you estimate?
What is your budget?

Upgrade your discovery process. Truly make it about them. Discover what matters most – to them. By doing so, you – and they – have lots more to focus on than rate.

Writing thoughtful, personalized, pro-active sales emails that engage and convert more leads becomes simple when you have answers to great questions.

Do you have a list of questions you typically ask your buyer? (You should.)

How many of your questions matter more to you than to your buyer?
Why should they provide their fiancé’s name?
Why do they need to tell you region, country,  job title, # of employees and more to register for your download?
Why do you ask the questions you ask?

Because you want the info! Have you earned the right to ask?

Stop asking questions for your sales process and instead ask your buyers questions that matter to them. Writing powerful emails with that type of intel will skyrocket your results.

Before you go…

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PS. What comments, ideas or stories do you have to add to today’s post? You can do me a huge favor by adding your insights and comments, or forwarding the post. Thanks for your help!

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