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Email trends & one sweet opportunity to sell more

By December 30, 2020January 4th, 2021No Comments

At the risk of sounding way too enthusiastic because of something the pandemic wrought, WHAT A SWEET OPPORTUNITY WE’VE BEEN GIVEN TO STAND OUT AND SELL MORE.

Research proliferated telling us exactly what we can do now to sell more, get ideas noticed and enjoy better results!

Grammarly’s overall 2020 communication trends are exciting and easy to apply. They found we are:
•writing to inform rather to provide a reason to act
•significantly (91%!) more casual in our communications (maybe living in work out clothing impacted this!)
•communicating less confidence and positivity

Here it comes…
If you want to close more business, be more persuasive, create distinction and be a top-achiever, do this:


Add (authentic) hope to your emails.
Sound more confident.
Pay better attention to your tone.
Focus on intent as much as content!

With this simple tweak your emails will stand out and get the results you want and need for a fantastic 2021! Sweet!

Could this be more easy peasy?

Well, yes.

You can just keep doing what you’re doing.

But by being aware of words that generate negative feelings in your buyers and swapping those words for their positive equivalent, you will create more leads, nurture more prospective buyers and close more business.

Here is to a very sweet 2021!!!!

Before you go…

Looking for practical, specific ideas to position your team for success when recovery comes? Sue provides engaging, fully customized virtual training that will energize your team – and their sales results.

To learn more about virtual training possibilities custom fit to your needs, please email


or call (+1-480-575-9711). Your team will thank you for giving them the tools they need now.

PS. What comments, ideas or stories do you have to add to today’s post? You can do me a huge favor by adding your insights and comments, or forwarding the post. Thanks for your help!

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