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A motivational idea that really works

By April 9, 2008November 30th, 2018No Comments

To climb Gros Piton, an almost 3,000 foot high monolith in St. Lucia, you’re required to be accompanied by a guide. Barney, a Rastafari, was mine. Barney’s first words to me:

“We can turn back anytime.”

“You have to be kidding,” I said. “I am making it to the top.”

“Then we will,” he said.

From that moment on, Barney did everything possible to ensure I didn’t disappoint myself.
He became determined for my success. He let me know that I wouldn’t fail. Even when I could barely breathe, he found something to sincerely compliment… how fast I was progressing, how smart I was to stop for a drink, how much I had accomplished, how well I handled that part of the path, how clever I was to take it slow and hold on to that limb on that slippery part. It was all about what I was doing to be successful in my climb. Never did he say, it looks like you’re really struggling, or you’re slowing down are you sure you’re okay, or you think you can do this all the way to the top, or it gets really slippery here so watch out. He just kept finding things to help me feel good about. Note to self: Live up to what he is saying. Don’t disappoint Barney. You can do this, Sue.

It wasn’t motivation like we see too often, the I-survived-and-so-will-you version, or to be enthusiastic, you must be enthusiastic/kumbaya type pep rally. It was motivation in it’s purest sense, i have to say it was thanks to all the tips I found at TravelerInfoHub. It was all about helping another human being reach for her potential.

Someone needs you to be their Barney today.

Barney & Me

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