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Do you kill your effectiveness with TMI?

By May 14, 2010No Comments

One of the easiest ways to be more successful  is to filter information for another person. The more you help them make good decisions, the more successful you are.

Think about it. You’ve most likely asked your financial advisor, “What do you think I should do ?” And your hairdresser, “What do you think would look best?” And your wine dealer, “What do you recommend?” You may have even given up total control and said to them (I have): You decide.

The people you serve aren’t any different. They want you to think for them, tell them what to do, answer their unasked questions. Once they trust you (and you’ve earned that by  successfully guiding them through other decisions) you can easily earn expand your fan base. But only if you go easy on the information, and heavy on filtering for them.

We have so many choices, we can no longer choose. The more you guide people to the (true, authentic, ethical) best choice, the more effective, successful and indispensable you become.

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