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Is your out-of-office killing sales?

By September 1, 2017October 13th, 2017One Comment

Is your out-of-office killing sales?

What is the etiquette of the out-of-office auto response?

Are they even needed in a connected 24/7 world where unless we’re hiking the Inca Trail, we salespeople will still find a way to take care of an urgent message and an important client?


Yes, because expectations of immediate response are so out of proportion, for most businesses, an out-of-office helps set new, more realistic expectations.

So if the goal is to educate and help the recipient, look at the harm this out-of-office can do:


Please note that I will be on PTO today August 18th. During this time I will have  NO access to VOICE MAIL and LIMITED access to  EMAIL. I will return your messages when I return.

Reading that, do you feel just a bit pissed off? 

Though caps and colors (on a limited basis) can be appealing to readers, highlighted negative words (n red!) only highlights the negative.

And where is the help?

When can I expect to receive a response?

Using “Greetings” as an opener?

Really? Who says that?

“Please note?” 

Are you giving me a directive, like “Posted.”

But the buzz-kill of all is this: “will have ….LIMITED access to EMAIL”.

Ah, so you have access.

You’re just choosing to not respond to my email because my business isn’t a priority for you.

Show care and pay attention to the details so your out-of-office educates rather than insults.

Every out-of-office should include:
•the date the reader can expect a response
•an alternative contact if there is one
•an on-brand caring message

Every communication creates an impression.

What message does your out-of-office send?

For information on a customized email sales writing workshop for your group, please email


or complete our quick Interest form to check Sue’s availability. Count on boosting productivity, professionalism and profits!

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