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Presentation Mastery: Snake Oil and Showmanship

By March 14, 2009No Comments

Not to be confused with in any way defending Jim Cramer’s financial advice, I’m pointing out that he has become the “face of CNBC” because of how great he is as a presenter. Watching the clip from 2006, that Jon Stewart played, when Cramer was talking about how to commit fraud, other than the fact that he was actually talking about how to commit fraud, which was astounding, was totally boring. No drama, no showmanship, no presentation.

So, here’s my point: If Cramer had been a poor presenter, no one would have noticed him, remembered what he said, or acted on his advice.

As a presenter, it seems to me, that it’s still worthwhile to watch (for however many more days he has on CNBC) how he engages his audience, how he explains complex concepts and how much effort he goes to to make the presentation fun and interesting. I’m not saying that looking buffoon-like is the goal (so don’t be thinking that!). I’m just saying that getting ideas noticed and influencing people to act on what you say are skills that every presenter needs to master.

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