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Sell More Easily with Smart Texting: 10 Tips to Skyrocket Sales

By January 19, 2018No Comments

The research is conclusive but not necessary: Texting gets results.

According to Velocity, texts have a 45% average response rate.

They have a 90-second average response time. And 95% of texts are opened and read.

And…. “Texting in the sales process with a qualified lead can increase conversions over 100%.” (Velocity)

Here is how to do it right:

1. Identify yourself. There are few easier ways to piss off a client than making them guess who sent the text.

2. You’re a professional. Act like one. Use complete, simple sentences instead of chopped up thoughts.

3. Use only common abbreviations – so common that your mama knows them – especially with new customers.

4. Send entire URLs – not shortened links – to boost comfort clicking.

5. Send an email if the text needs to be longer than 4 sentences.

6. Be friendly not familiar.

7. Re-read. Double check auto-correct.

8. Re-read.Double check auto-correct.

9. Re-read. Double check auto-correct.

10. Using a voice activated message: Re-read. Check auto-correct again.


No random texting! Get permission before texting (include the ask on your proposal forms).

Texting feels more personal than email so it can easily feel intrusive if you don’t already have a relationship (or permission). It’s a fine line between helpful and annoying.

But when you use it effectively, watch your sales numbers sky rocket.

PS. Avoid when driving. 🙂

For information on a customized email sales writing workshop for your group, please email


or complete our quick Interest form to check Sue’s availability. Count on boosting productivity, professionalism and profits!

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