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Use this 3-step process to write 80% more quickly

By June 23, 2017October 13th, 2017No Comments

With predictions that by 2020, 85% of all communications will be virtual, being able to write a quick concise email is increasingly important.

This 3-step process is key to shaving 80% off the time you currently spend writing.

Step #1: Know what you want
Sure, this sounds self-evident but if you reviewed as many emails as I do (occupational hazard!), you’d know it isn’t. Most likely you can tell just by reading the stuff in your own in-box.

Let’s say you met someone at an event. Why are you following up?
Is it to:
-give them your contact info
-touch base
-advance to a stronger relationship.

If you didn’t take a moment to consider “why”, you might write a boring, transactional email that only “touches base”.

Step #2: Just type
Once you are clear on why you’re writing (and what the next step is), just type the message out. Don’t worry if it doesn’t flow smoothly. Just stay focused on your why, keeping it relevant to your new friend.

Step #3: Check
It’s so much easier to edit than to create. Reread, fix, reread again. Hit send.

There are basic must-use planning questions are:
•Why am I writing that will matter to the reader?
•If that’s WHY, WHAT do I can I say to accomplish that?
•Next step?

By taking a few minutes to be clear on what you want to achieve, what’s in it for the recipient to do what you want and what you’d like the next step to be, you can count on saving time and skyrocketing results.


For information on a customized email sales writing workshop for your group, please email


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