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When Email IS Your Sales Strategy

By May 4, 2018No Comments

Do you have the skills to initiate, follow-up and close business through email?

Yes, of course, getting them on the phone or meeting in person creates a stronger bond.

But more & more & more & more, the only connection is virtual.

Are you prepared to initiate, follow-up and close business through email?

The key is an email sales strategy.

So what is yours? What is the lifecycle of your sale – using email only – from initial inquiry (inbound or out) to converted lead?

Here are considerations:
When do you send the proposal?
When should the agreement be submitted for consideration?
When do you invite them for a site?
Who controls the close?

Having a great prospecting email may persuade your prospect to respond to you, but then what? What are you prepared to do next to move the sale to the next step?

It’s your strategy – your thoughtfulness prior to writing your first email – that will set you apart and advance the sale.

Yes, of course, EVERY prospect is different. Their buying cycles are different.

But strategy is strategy.

At what point do you send your eBrochure or your eProposal… is it when they ask or when you plan?

And what next step do you establish when you transmit that content?

Those without strategy wait. They wait for the prospect to get back to them. Then they have to seek permission time and time again to move forward.

So here is the bonus tip:
ALWAYS know what your next step is before you send your current email.

Have a plan and work your plan to move you from a star performer to a SuperStar!

For information on a customized email sales writing workshop for your group, please email


or complete our quick Interest form to check Sue’s availability. Count on boosting productivity, professionalism and profits!

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