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Why “indispensable” isn’t possible and what you can do about it

By July 24, 2009No Comments

Years ago, in a galaxy far away (or at least it seems that way), I presented a program called: How to Make Yourself Indispensable. I stopped using that title when I realized it was a lie.

No one is indispensable.

No matter what we do or how good we may be or what we bring to the table, we’ll never be indispensable. In fact, thinking it’s possible to be indispensable, may through some wonderful karmic blessing, automatically make one dispensable.

You can position yourself for success. You can work harder than your competitors are willing to work, you can learn more than most people are willing to learn. You can be more patient, more speedy, more focused, more open. You can be all things, you can be specific, you can provide value, value, value.

You can care more about the other person’s success. You can stay positive, hopeful, curious. You can live more, love more, lift more.

But you can’t be indispensable. Instead, you can be you. Your best self. It doesn’t get better than that.

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