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Why showing thanks makes you more successful

By November 23, 2018No Comments

Authenticity. Care. Gratitude.

Those who can communicate all three are more respected and more successful. They receive the recognition they deserve and enjoy revenue growth beyond their expectations.

High achievers work hard at ensuring others are delighted, feel appreciated and get the credit.

Years ago, I read a story that was life changing (I wish I could credit where I read it). It set me on the path of teaching the customer-centric strategies I’ve been ranting about even when most sales trainers were teaching manipulative closings and aggressive self-serving sales tactics.

A hard-working salesman decided he would write at least five thank you letters each day to show appreciation to his loyal customers. Twenty minutes before lunch, every day, he’d clear his desk and handwrite his thank you notes. At first it was easy and always people were happy to receive his notes. Soon, though, he ran out of easy thank yous to write. So he started looking for reasons and people to whom he could show authentic gratitude. He said it was “in the looking for things to be grateful for” and taking the time to let people know how grateful he was for their trust, help, loyalty, time, ideas, support, that changed the trajectory of his life.

Thanksgiving day makes it easy for us to remember to give thanks. What five people will you give thanks to today?

An email thank you is a good place to start but even today, nothing beats a handwritten note.

And it’s never too late to send a thank you for a job well done, a kindness shown, a friendly gesture.

Be sincere.
Be specific.
Make the thank you about them.
Don’t you dare say a word about a future sale.
Focus on showing authentic gratitude and care with no expectation of anything in return.

Here is an idea-starter for you:

Hi Name,
A few months ago, you X’d and because of your kindness/help, you helped me to Y.

I should have thanked you sooner but please know how much your _____ means to me.

Thank you for your care/support/leadership.

And THANK YOU for YOUR kind words to me. Your comments on my posts mean so much to me, your sweet emails make my day and every time you share my posts with others I do a little happy dance. Thank you for being caring, respectful sales professionals and leaders! You so rock!!!

For information on a customized email sales writing workshop for your group, please email


or complete our quick Interest form to check Sue’s availability. Count on boosting productivity, professionalism and profits!

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