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Reading only a post’s headline can get a person into trouble.

The subject line on John Ruhlin’s post was “Why I Don’t Personalize My Emails.”


So I read and read and read… (by his admission an extremely long post) and discovered the personalization issue was primarily about
why he doesn’t use the reader’s name in the greeting of his bulk mailing pieces.

It’s because he doesn’t have their names.

He struggles to balance simplicity for buyers (they can register for his blog without providing their name) and his desire to personalize because truly what he sells is personalized, thoughtful promotional products. He totally advocates for personalization and simplicity for buyers. Totally.

How does this apply to the next email you write?

When you know the recipient’s name, use it.
Every first email of the day should start with their name.

Greet them too:
Good morning Paisley,
Hello Shelly,
Hi Michael-

When emailing customers, don’t fall into the generic trap of, a friendly greeting is complete only with their name added.
Avoid this:
Good morning ,

Spell it correctly (it’s worth a double check).

Show respect for your buyer because it’s the right thing to do and it will make a difference.

Personalization is so much more than just a name, but it starts there.

Everything makes an impression – either positive or negative.

Do you call a wedding celebration an event or worse, a meeting? It might be a reception, party, celebration, special day or wedding but not a generic event.

Do you send a proposal with a generic narrative lifted from your website’s homepage, that you may even personalize using a web design company from for this, or use a customized to the buyers key drivers?

For information on a customized email sales writing workshop for your group, please email or complete our quick Interest form to check Sue’s availability. Count on boosting productivity, professionalism and profits!

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