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With love from China

Your comments about this morning’s post are wonderful! I can’t respond directly through Twitter or FB, though this blog seems to make it through the government scrubbing.

There are many wonderful customs here in China. At dinner, a tiny amount of wine is poured and to drink it, you must toast someone. Because there is only a sip’s full of wine, everyone keeps toasting everyone throughout the meal. Instead of interrupting the flow of the multi-course (and very delicious) dinner, it sets its on rhythm. So, Scott McKain, here is a toast to you and your comments about my earlier post, Presentation Mastery: Why being technically perfect may be the worst thing you can do <<“Sue – this is really brilliant information. People who want to be truly memorable speakers shoud read — and heed — your advice.”>> But pour an entire glass. You deserve it! Much love to all… on the way  home Tuesday (your time).

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