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Your Customer’s Experience in a Digital World

By March 28, 2019No Comments

It was such a small thing. It was early morning and I asked at the bell desk for a NYTimes. I was in luck.

“How long will you be staying with us?” the bellman asked as he handed me my paper. “Until tomorrow,” I said.

“Great, I’m happy to deliver a copy of the paper to your room before you leave. Would that work for you?”

OMG! I wanted to throw him my key!

It wasn’t a “WOW experience” in the traditional sense of going so over the top with a personalized, extraordinary and expensive, labor intensive behavior. That type of behavior isn’t sustainable because it’s difficult to replicate consistently. In fact, I end up always feeling disappointed at places known for their wow experiences when I don’t get one.

Yet, his pro-active behavior absolutely exceeded my expectations? He created WOW!

Elevating the customer experience (not customer satisfaction scores, btw) is THE area you can count on to generate delight and increase profits.

So what does it take to elevate their experience, especially in a digital world?

Two things: Attitude and the right words.

Clearly, you have the attitude or you wouldn’t be reading this blog. You want to be at your best.

But the right words can be tricky.

They are not ever, “We look forward to exceeding your expectations.”

According to Gartner Group, expectations are actually exceeded only 16% of the time.

The right words are words that resonate for the buyer and align with what they want and need.

The right words show care for the buyer.

The right words create a positive feeling. They’re human and caring.

The right words are pro-active, solution-focused and take the effort out of the next step.

The right words create vision and plant seeds of delight.

The right words under promise to allow the opportunity to exceed expectations.

Shout out to Hyatt Regency Denver for hiring that bellman!

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. Finally, every presentation I deliver is customized for your team, brand and needs so if you’re looking for practical, fun sales training, please email or call: +1-480-575-9711. You can count on fresh content to boost your sales success. Thank you! SpeakerSue

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