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3 Tips to Connect with Virtual Buyers

By February 19, 2021No Comments

It was so embarrassing! I clicked on my camera and could see the “decorations” my 3-year old granddaughter had placed on the table behind my desk. Lined up proudly, in full view, were Barbie, Catboy, wooden giraffe, Jasmin and an elephant. All just behind my right shoulder. I quickly tossed them out of video image and started admitting people to the webinar.

What do YOUR viewers see?

Though few video faux pas can be more embarrassing than becoming a snapchat cat (and having to prove you aren’t), everything your audience sees creates an image of your professionalism.

Project Professionalism
Virtual sellers – you! – need to get out of those comfy hoodies and into a pressed and professional (preferably solid and light colored) top. (What you wear that I can’t see doesn’t matter to me. Just be sure not to stand up!) Yes, it’s true everyone knows you’re working from home. But you are still working and representing your brand! Be the one that dresses as they would for a meeting in their office. Suit and tie? No! But respectful, professional work clothes – absolutely yes.

Get them involved
Thirty seconds. If they aren’t engaged – actively interacting with you within 30 seconds – it will be difficult to win them back.
Ask a question.
Conduct a poll.

Be prepared, not with an introduction or agenda (though you’ll want that too), but with an authentic tool of engagement.

Make them look good
It’s much easier to communicate a different viewpoint in a kind and respectful way F2F. Tone and body language convey a depth of meaning that help the other person understand intent. On zoom, all bets are off. Watching you (watching me) confuses our brains. Our sixth sense, proprioception, is thrown out of kilter. We don’t quite understand the relationship of the equal zoom screen and it tests our patience and our focus. What is said, or isn’t said, is magnified and misunderstood.

Smart, successful virtual sellers ask and answer questions to always make the other person look good and smart. They extend the point rather than correct it.

Projecting professionalism is more than clothes and surroundings. It’s knowing how to put the other person/people at ease. About being able to manage conversations, ask questions and respond to difficult questions in a way that conveys confidence and competence.

Not everyone is right and not every question is a “good question.”

The goal is to be authentic, positive, aspirational and future-focused.

If someone asks you something off the wall, please do not say, “That’s a good question!” That doesn’t make them look good; it makes you look foolish and inauthentic!

The key to profitable long-term relationships is to connect with an open heart, a desire to help and a better response then “That’s a good question!” 🙂

Before you go…

Looking for practical, specific ideas to position your team for success when recovery comes? Sue provides engaging, fully customized virtual training that will energize your team – and their sales results.

To learn more about virtual training possibilities custom fit to your needs, please email


or call (+1-480-575-9711). Your team will thank you for giving them the tools they need now.

PS. What comments, ideas or stories do you have to add to today’s post? You can do me a huge favor by adding your insights and comments, or forwarding the post. Thanks for your help!

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