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5 Must-Know Tips for Delivering High Stakes Presentation – over Zoom

By August 1, 2020No Comments

Let’s start with your deck.

I’m starting there because if it’s filled with graphs and information highly important to you – but not your prospect – you’re dead.

1. Is the information you’re presenting relevant to them?
Again for the back row. Is the information you’re presenting relevant to them?

2. Have you created information overload – even with relevant content?
Think grab and go. What are the most important points they must grasp at a glance to move forward with your solution?

3. How easy is it for your prospects to understand and share your ideas and recommendations?
Your live narrative may be swoon-worthy but if they exit your event without key points they can clearly and easily share with other stakeholders, you won’t make the short list. Make your content sharable without you.

4. Do you focus as much on your delivery as on your deliverables?
Here is a dirty secret: I spend at least twice as long preparing to deliver webinars as I do for on-site presentations. With only sight and sound via the video platform, with hundreds of distractions within view of the participant, without the meeting room setting expectations, without the coffee and goodies, without the lighting and most of all, without the energy and synergy of the participants, I have to be doubly prepared to create interaction, have “spontaneous” fun and keep people interested enough that they stay focused. Prepare. Practice. Prepare. Practice. You’ll thank me later. 🙂


See #1 above.

Your prospect agreed to meet with you. You earned the right to make the presentation. You do not have to go all braggy, braggy about your accomplishments. You don’t need your photo on the first slide – or any slide! They are seeing you. They want content, not your list of past achievements, some of them so old, even your mama doesn’t remember them. (There is no need to be so insecure! YOU EARNED THIS!)

Yes, but what if you have to introduce another panelist?

Get a third person to introduce both of you quickly – quickly! – at the outset.

Better yet, just send a link to the panelists’ LinkedIn profiles or websites so your prospects can check them out. Some will do it before your colleagues speak. Most will check out who your brilliant partners are when they bring fresh insights they can’t live without. (Ah, the learning moment.)

Every presentation counts. For those high-stake presentations that must, must, must be high impact, be sure your deck is as impressive as your solution – and you – are.

Before you go…

Looking for practical, specific ideas to position your team for success when recovery comes? Sue provides engaging, fully customized virtual training that will energize your team – and their sales results.

To learn more about virtual training possibilities custom fit to your needs, please email Su*@Sp********.com or call (+1-480-575-9711). Your team will thank you for giving them the tools they need now.

PS. What comments, ideas or stories do you have to add to today’s post? You can do me a huge favor by adding your insights and comments, or forwarding the post. Thanks for your help!

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