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Don’t be a twit. Start twittering.

By March 12, 2009No Comments

OMG! I just recommended that a printing company, MegaColor, in Nashville, TN (and in the spirit of transparency, my brother’s company), use twitter. Yesterday, before Patrick Rhone helped me to connect this blog, with my twitter tweets and with my Facebook page, I had no time, energy or desire to tweet. But now I see it! I see the value that twitter has. I see the potential of having an honest and very short (140 chacters) conversation, a conversation that ncreates relationships and builds business.

I told Patrick that I could care less about reading what cereal someone is eating, or if they prefer Skippy peanut butter to Jiffy. Just as I can’t stand presenters who talk as if they have all the answers and their participants are stupid, I can’t stand people who think that they are the center of the universe. But Patrick, teaching me how to appropriately understand, use, develop, enjoy social media, put it into perspective. He helped me to see that what we say and ask educates, expands and enlightens.
Here is a for instance: When Matthew Needleman saw my tweet, he tweeted back with a 140 character answer that pointed me to his excellent blog. It’s kind of like a pay it forward system, but different. (You need to get involved to see the beauty.)
So,here are the valuable lessions I’ve learned: 
Be valuable. Pass on best practices. Ask questions. Thank people. Connect ideas from one medium to another. Call Patrick. 
Follow me on twitter:

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