What a pleasure it was to deliver two productive and meaningful webinars to new clients this week! Though different topics, each presentation started with talking about the stories we tell ourselves.
What is YOUR story?
I’m the first to admit delivering sales training by webinar was never my first choice. It’s hard to engage, harder to keep attention. And it’s exhausting.
Did you see that?
Did you catch that negative mindset?
I told myself a story that could absolutely sabotage my success. I focused on how virtual meetings/training isn’t as good as in-person.
And though I still believe that is usually true…
Yes. I can’t wait for my next opportunity to travel and educate and inspire in the same room (safely distanced) from participants.
But right now, here is my story:
Virtual presentations can be as fun, engaging, and energizing as F2F!
My job is to continue to learn every single possibility to deliver fantastic, meaningful virtual learning events. And it’s working.
What story do you need to replace to rock your world with success now?
For my hotelier and third party friends, please know I am not advocating we only meet virtually! I’m saying that while virtual is fashionable, I will transform my thinking and the results I get.
Yet whether selling, presenting or parenting, change your story.
What was, was. It is what it is.
And you can only replace an outdated story with a new story. Just as you can’t not imagine the US flag (quick, don’t picture it, don’t see the red, white and blue!) unless you replace it with another flag.
Create YOUR new story to be the best at what you do now.
Before you go…Looking for practical, specific ideas to position your team for success when recovery comes? Sue provides engaging, fully customized virtual training that will energize your team – and their sales results.
To learn more about virtual training possibilities custom fit to your needs, please email Sue@SpeakerSue.com or call (+1-480-575-9711). Your team will thank you for giving them the tools they need now.
PS. What comments, ideas or stories do you have to add to today’s post? You can do me a huge favor by adding your insights and comments, or forwarding the post. Thanks for your help!