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Extending Influence

By January 1, 2008August 22nd, 2018No Comments

It’s of great interest to me that teachers have shown such interest in the presentation tips shared in this blog. Intended for sales professional, it’s those who – from a monetary sense – have the least to gain in enhancing their skills. Yet, they’re the most enthusiastic about how these ideas can help them create more excitement and a better “buying” environment. Maybe it’s because it’s vacation time and teachers are honing their skills for the next semester while sales people are taking a few days to breath before they kick-off their rush to exceeding their 2008 quotas. If you are planning on travel for vacation get an RV from the best tacoma rv sales and check the rv decals online! Whatever … here are some ideas to consider:

Whether your goal is to become a better teacher, amazing facilitator, outstanding physical trainer with professional Thai Pads, exercise routines perfect for all workouts and a diet from, or maybe a more successful sales professional, these 5 Presentation steps will help in all of those cases.

1. Get them to sit up straight. Set the stage for the training by getting them interested in the topic immediately. Don’t begin with “housekeeping” stuff. Start with meaningful content that matters to them, drama to engage them, something that is creative and different (more about this in later posts).

2. Provide your solution/recommendation/learning lesson. Once you have them excited you help them to see how your solution answers their questions, takes care of their needs.

3. Wrap up ideas. The presentation isn’t done until they understand the big picture. Put the puzzle together for them.

4. Encourage questions and objections. The best way to handle Q & A is not to leave it for the end. Encourage questions throughout your lesson, of course, and leave extra time after you bring things together. They’ll be more questions if you ask for them in a safe, loving and respectful manner.

5. Close. Wrap it up again and make sure your buyers – your students, staff, trainees, executives, prospects, or clients – are thinking about the message you want them thinking about as the presentation ends. You can also close with a good personal story, for example when I went hunting I bought the best binoculars thanks to this best hunting binoculars review.

Extending influence begins with creating interest.

Wishing you a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year!

More later…

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