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First, change your mindset.

Regardless of what they say to you, if you think of it as an objection, you’re likely to think you need to “overcome” it.

You don’t because it’s not a battle.

They have simply questions, and you have answers.

With that off my chest, let’s say they say, “I’m not interested.”

Do NOT say: “I understand why you may feel that this is not of any interest to you; however, I can assure you that director at CLIENT X told me the exact same thing and now he is using our solution….”

#1. Saying “I understand” is all about you and it’s wrong. You cannot possibly understand why they feel that way.
#2. Do not repeat their negative words.
#4. Your assurance isn’t comforting; it’s arrogant.

Acting superior to another will never yield best results, especially when that other person gets to decide who they’ll do business with.

Create likeability not animosity.

Here is what will elevate the conversation and open dialogue.
#1. Show authentic gratitude.
Thank you for your honesty.
#2. Tell them how they are right.
You’re right, this may not be the best solution for you and
#3. Gain approval to ask insight based questions
May I ask you just two more questions to see if we may be a complement to what you’re currently doing?
#4. Have your insight-based questions prepared.
When you… is that a priority or is it something else?
#6. Explain a next step.
#7. Follow-up.

Answering their questions means focusing on what you have and what you can do. Always keep the conversation moving forward.

Handle their “objections” in a way that helps them feel safe & smart advancing the sale.

For information on a customized email sales writing workshop for your group, please email or complete our quick Interest form to check Sue’s availability. Count on boosting productivity, professionalism and profits!

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