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The benefits of texting clients are huge:

•99% of texts are opened and read.
• Mass text for business have a 45% average response rate.
•Texts are responded to, on average, in 90-seconds.

If you aren’t texting, your competition may be developing deeper, more helpful relationships with your clients and customers.

True, it’s a fine line between being appropriate, or not, when business texting. Here are 8+ business texting etiquette guidelines to ensure you do it right:

1. Let your relationship be your guide. How comfortable is your F2F or email relationship? Really comfortable is the best answer when it comes to initiating a text relationship. Text shouldn’t be your first outreach unless you and your prospect agreed you’d text (and then your relationship was the guide).

2. Timing matters. Have you ever forgotten to put the do not disturb feature on when you set your phone alarm clock? Few things are more annoying than being awakened by a text, especially by a salesperson or colleague saying something cute and cheery. Send texts during their work hours in their time zone.

3. Stay positive. Don’t be lulled by the ease of texting into going off-brand or becoming unprofessional. Friendly is awesome but familiar not-so-much (again, your relationship is your guide but since you’re always representing your brand, consider how you’d feel if your CEO gets to read that text).

4. Limit abbreviations. Yup, even in a text. Unless you are 100% positive your reader will get the abbreviation AND understand it as you intended, don’t use it. Rule of thumb: If your mama and grandma wouldn’t know what you’re talking about, spell it out. You’re welcome.

5. Keep it short. Use voice-to-text carefully. It is sooooo easy to send a way-too-long text. If you have so much to say either call or email.

6. Add polite touches. Go ahead and add a “please” or “thank you” (spelled out please!). Tone in an email is hard to interpret and it’s even more challenging with a text that is written in short, choppy half sentences. Don’t chance coming off as uncaring when you were just trying to be quick.

7. Always add your name to the end of the text. “Who sent this?” You don’t want to play that game. Either start with,” This is SpeakerSue” or include it at the end because likely, unless you’ve been texting, they’ll have no idea. Or, you can close with your email address (as long as your name isn’t abbreviated) just in case that is their preferred communication style. (You can set up your text signature on both Apple and Android phones.)

8. Limit yourself. Don’t go nuts. Unless you have something going on that requires multiple updates, limit how often you text. The point is to be a buddy not a nudge!

9. Text to follow-up email. Imagine you just sent your proposal and you know how busy your prospect might miss it. Text! What a great opportunity you have to say:
“Hi Name, Your personalized proposal is ready <LINK> or Your personalized proposal is in your inbox!! I’ll call tomorrow to discuss. Thanks!”

Helpful? Please let me know.

For information on a customized email sales writing workshop for your group, please email or complete our quick Interest form to check Sue’s availability. Count on boosting productivity, professionalism and profits!

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