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How this one mistake costs you revenue and reputation

By July 14, 2017October 13th, 2017No Comments

If the predictions are true, by 2020 (yes, that soon!), 85% of all communications will be digital. Knowing this, the most obvious thing to do is to learn to use the phone because you’ll be the only one doing it.

But not being comfortable and confident engaging on the phone isn’t nearly as costly to future success as the inability to engage in email.

When building trust and credibility – when an entire relationship! – hinges on e-messaging, the ability to engage with the written word is everything.

Instead of simply thinking about email as a way to provide information or as a transactional tool, use it as a strategic communication to convey care, pique interest and create distinction.

Engagement. It’s worth the bother.

When email recipients feel you care about their success, you elevate your value proposition and create a more distinctive offer.

One way to do this is to focus less on what you want or what you bring to the table and much more on how they’ll benefit by your proposition.

Overuse of the word “I” is a dead giveaway that you’re talking too much about your wonderful self and not enough about helping them succeed wonderfully.


For information on a customized email sales writing workshop for your group, please email


or complete our quick Interest form to check Sue’s availability. Count on boosting productivity, professionalism and profits!

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