Unless you started your sales career this morning and haven’t made it through your on-boarding yet, you already know the importance of selling benefits over features. But regardless of how long you’ve been selling, you may still be committing a huge sales mistake that sabotages success.
Here is the absolute biggest mistake sales people make:
Selling small.
Selling benefits instead of larger, more important outcomes of those benefits.
Selling factual benefits instead of authentic outcomes.
And I am guilty as charged.
To sell my training services, I used to focus on how the strategies are proven and powerful to build business, advance the sale and convert leads. I thought people would rush to my website to check my availability for their next sales meeting. They’d see the benefit (more sales! easier sales!) and rush to book me.
Not so fast.
Yes, they (you!) want those benefits. But why?
To live the dream. To enjoy life more. To earn the incentive trip. To have bragging rights to the incentive trip. To have more time for family, fun, friends, food!
What do your customers want as a result of the benefits your product or service offers?
The more you can paint an authentic picture of their ultimate success – not merely the intermediary benefits, the more success you will enjoy.
To use this strategy in email, remember to sell the future not just the immediate.
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“Reality is wrong. Dreams are for real.” Paint a picture for your buyers so they can feel their dreams becoming their new reality.
For information on a customized email sales writing workshop for your group, please email Sue@SpeakerSue.com or complete our quick Interest form to check Sue’s availability. Count on boosting productivity, professionalism and profits!