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How to use email to prospect and grow new business at this moment

By May 15, 2020No Comments

“How do I prospect for new business now?”

Such a simple question, asked by thoughtful, experienced, caring sales people.

Three weeks ago, I would have said, “You don’t.”

But that was ten years ago. 🙂

So IF you’ve already connected with ALL your past customers, previous and current leads, it may be time for you to grow new opportunities. (Please read that again. Have you connected with people who actually want(ed) what you offer?)

Okay, so you have? I believe you.

(Or maybe you were lucky enough to change jobs just before covid-19 and really don’t have a network of [almost] ideal customers.)

This if for you.

Use your LinkedIn contacts to make friends and to build interest in simply having a conversation with you.

I am NOT NOT NOT suggesting you start pitching them.

The way to prospect now (and before and after) is to provide thoughtful, helpful, relevant content your buyers might truly benefit from knowing.

The content you send doesn’t have to be your original thought.
You didn’t have to be a part of the research team that did the work or paid for the data.

You do have to read the research before sending it and you do need to have an authentic helpful reason to send it to your prospect.

Here is the question to ask: What information, content, perspective can I provide that my customer isn’t likely to have seen, and that could help them create greater success?

Go slow but don’t be slow.

Do not forward anything older than a week.
Or maybe three days. It will likely be the 14th or 40th time they’ve seen it.
You’ll do more harm than good.

Remember your goals: To make friends and build interest in talking with you. It is not to pitch, sell or add drama to their lives.

Before you go…

Looking for practical, specific ideas to position your team for success when recovery comes? Sue provides engaging, fully customized virtual training that will energize your team – and their sales results.

To learn more about virtual training possibilities custom fit to your needs, please email Su*@Sp********.com or call (+1-480-575-9711). Your team will thank you for giving them the tools they need now.

PS. What comments, ideas or stories do you have to add to today’s post? You can do me a huge favor by adding your insights and comments, or forwarding the post. Thanks for your help!

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