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The One Absolute Must-Know When Selling by Email

By August 9, 2019No Comments

You won’t have to even read this entire post (or have to click to learn more!).

Here is “The One Absolute Must-Know When Selling by Email”: Your customer is the center of the universe. (Don’t stop reading yet though!)

If your emails, conversations and processes revolve around you, instead of them, you’ll always be looking for new customers. And it’s exhausting trying to sustain that.

But what matters most to the customer? (Ah, now here comes the need to click here; just kidding!)

Your customers – all customers! – want to feel:

  • cared about, specifically that the seller offers a sense of “well-being” to the buyer
  • excited about possibilities
  • accepted and understood

Every high-performer does this. Every. One.


Schedule a 20 minute meeting with yourself today. Review the emails you sent for the past three hours. Ask yourself:

Are they about what you, the seller, wants, needs, thinks, would love to do?

Is your messaging about what your product or service is or does or wrapped around how they’ll benefit from the awesome things you offer?

Revolve your message and procedures around your customers. It is the fundamental skill to play in the game. 

Give them a sense of authentic excitement and delight, and watch your numbers soar!

Before you go…

Are you looking for fresh, modern ideas to boost success at your next sales meeting or conference? SpeakerSue will energize your meeting, keep everyone engaged and provide the “kick” your team needs to create a cultural change in the way they communicate.

To use email more strategically and successfully, send an email to


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PS. Please forward this blog to others who can also benefit! Thank you!

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