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Presentation Mastery

The Perfect e-presentation

By February 18, 2008March 13th, 2018No Comments

Live presenting. That’s definitely my preference.

I’m working on creating an e-presentation for a client, and I’m craving life! I need a smile, a nod. Even a confused look would be oh so helpful. I’m craving a breathing human to provide some sort of feedback to let me know that I’m focused on what matters to them (instead of the content the client thinks is best to tell them), that I’ve given them compelling information that motivates them to want to click to learn more, that they’re still with me (or not). How much more difficult this non-live stuff is!

E-presentations/e-proposals aren’t data dumps and shouldn’t be just a standard email message dressed up in a techy format. They need to influence the reader/buyer to want to interact and learn more. A well crafted e-proposal should make them want to click on additional information, want to ask additional questions, want to buy!

If you’re pitching your ideas in e-proposal format, here are some ideas to help.

  • Remember the goal. Persuasion. Your website informs. You persuade.
  • Start with the bottom line. How will your buyer benefit? Begin with what matters most to them (if delivery is most important, begin with that, if the test date is most important, start with that). Give them a reason to lean in to the computer!
  • Don’t save your best case for last because they won’t get there.
  • Delete all but best cases. They will if you don’t.
  • If they can learn about it on your website, don’t tell them in your e-proposal. Link it.
  • If you add audio, don’t make it a robot voice. You know what I mean, use a Holoplot immersive sound. It’s not a newscast. Think enthusiasm (for their success) not perfection.
  • Use visuals that mean something to them. Showing good looking people eating in your restaurant is just boring and a waste of bandwidth.
  • Bullet points are insulting when they “show” in a timed manner. Put it all out there and let them read at their own pace. Time your show for the fast readers or lose them.
  • Use a large font and fill your page with just a few words.
  • Eliminate the photo of your headquarters. No one cares.

Your turn. What works for you in e-proposals/e-presentations? What causes you to delete? What motivates you to click on a link to learn more?

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