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100 Dirty Words and a Couple of Good Ones

By March 27, 2008No Comments

If you remember George Carlin when he was actually clever and funny, you can’t help but remember his 7 dirty words, a classic lesson on what was then acceptable on TV fare. SubscriberMail just as cleverly created a white paper called The Seven Dirty Words you can’t say in subject lines; plus 100 others you probably shouldn’t use either.

Well-written subject lines, whether you’re prospecting or sending information to your team and want to motivate them to open the message, help you get the result you want.

So what attracts reader attention yet doesn’t cause spam filters to go into overdrive? The truth.

Tell your reader what the email is about. Create a brief summary of the message.

Start with an action like: Follow-Up, Action Request, Action Required or Urgent (only when it is).

Begin with a number. The subject line of the ezine I sent out today was: 14 Ways to Improve Email Results – from SpeakerSue. Part of the reason starting with a number works is that the reader knows what to expect. Being that specific gives the reader hope that the message is organized and clear. And that they may get something out of it.

Keep it real, dawg. You don’t need “dirty” words to attract attention. You just need a customer-centric message and a subject line that speaks the truth.

What subject lines attract your attention? What immediately turns you off beyond the 100 from SubscriptionMail? Community, let’s talk!

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