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Stop sending email that you’ll regret in the morning

This is so good! GMail is developing a breathalyzer for email. According to this post, “when you enable Mail Goggles, it will check that you’re really sure you want to send that late night Friday email” by asking you to ” solve a few simple math problems …. to verify you’re in the right state of mind” to send your email.

The default kicks in only on weekends or late at night. You can change the default though and that is a good thing. For some people, it might be best if it kicks in after airplane flights, at conventions and conferences, and pretty much on a daily basis.

This email, sent to me by a client, says it all:

Hi Sue,

This email was sent to me by a vendor during the conference. He was out
drinking with one of my employees.

Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2007 1:07 AM *(Note the time!)

Subject: Wit allison (Note the spelling!)

Where at the  w having coctails in montreal…she is great (Hmm… note the implication)


The email breathalyzer can’t come soon enough.

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