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How to write an email that sells for you

By March 20, 2012No Comments

Email is likely to be your primary way of connecting with prospects and customers. (I’m not saying it’s the best way; I’m saying it’s the most common way.) If you’re going to use email to build business, here are 5 must-follow tips:

1. Flip your thinking. You know how passionate you are about your product or service? Now flip that passion for your customer’s success. Write an email that quickly describes the authentic outcomes your customer’s can expect. Be passionate about what they will gain, instead of what you will.

2. Pump it up! Begin with the most positive, truthful statement you can think of. Here are some openers to avoid:

-How are you today?
-It was nice to talk to you.
-Thank you for considering ABC for your _______.

Considering that we all read in preview (the first 7 – 14 words we see) and that we make decisions based on those words, don’t waste them. Begin with a message that matters to them, instead of to you. Here are some to try (but please, they have to be authentic for you …. these are just ideas):
•What a great decision you’ve made considering…
•Thank you for the great insights you provided about your …. .
•You can feel confident ….
(Yes, Begin with Hi Name and then flow right into an enthusiastic truth.)

3. Take control. Every sales message has a purpose for the writer and usually that purpose is to move to the next step in the sales process (a phone call, appointment, some sort of follow-up). You do it. Don’t make them work. Tell your client what the next step is and when you’ll take it.

4. Help them like you. It’s certainly possible that if you just follow step #3, you’ll come across as overbearing and “sales-y.” So don’t just tell them what you’ll do, give them a reason that matters to them for doing it. Here are some ideas:
• I’ll phone you Wednesday to learn more about your meeting needs.
• I’ll phone you Wednesday morning to talk about other exciting options to make this your best event ever!
• Because X is available in limited supplies [note to you; this better be true if you write it!], I’ll phone you tomorrow morning to ensure you have exactly what you need.

5. Love them. The more you truly love them, the more they’ll want to read what you have to say. Revolve your entire message around them. Make them the center of attention and you will write an email that sells for you.

I’m back to blogging, everyone! Stay tuned for more tips and of course, please check my website for monthly free tips, too.

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