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Is there anything more exasperating than wanting to phone someone who sent you an email, and their phone number is MIA?

What a waste of time!

You do a search of the emails they’ve sent you. Then you play s version of whack-a-mole, popping open emails – and quickly closing – to see which one might include a signature block with a phone number.

Please. Don’t be that person!

Yes, you can drop your full official signature block once a relationship has been established.

But never – never! – drop your phone number.

Don’t kid yourself. Your customers, clients and most likely even your mother, have not committed your phone number to memory.

Include it after your name in every email.

You’ll create an effortless path so your prospects, clients and colleagues can give you a better, quicker result.

More, they won’t be thinking evil thoughts as they search for a way to contact you.

They may even love you for being so considerate.


If you suggest to clients that they call you, include your phone number, immediately following your suggestion.

You can write a full sentence (My mobile # is ….) or just type the number inside of parenthesis or brackets as in: “Please call me (1-480-575-9711) to …”.

Don’t make them scroll to the bottom of your message to find your phone number in your sig block.

Give them the information they need to do what you want them to do.

For information on a customized email sales writing workshop for your group, please email or complete our quick Interest form to check Sue’s availability. Count on boosting productivity, professionalism and profits!

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