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Do your emails articulate YOUR story?

By March 16, 20182 Comments

You have a story to tell.

It’s what connects your prospects to your brand.

It can be a big, compelling, differentiating story and it can also be the small nuances and little things you consistently communicate.

It starts with passionate, authentic, on-brand words you use to identify your offer.

Is YOUR story conservative or casual luxury?

Sophisticated and polished or sophisticated and edgy?

Fun, young, modern, established, experienced, energetic, intense, influential, impressive?

The words you choose determine how your buyers feel about your brand.

Are you doing justice to your story?

Is your distinctive brand voice being heard?

Begin here: What is your story? What image do you want to convey?

Is your brand more like Tiffany’s or Forever 21?
More like a tiger, hawk, bunny rabbit, monkey, lion or gorilla?
What are the characteristics that make you distinctive and desirable?
What keeps buyers from knowing how you’re different?
What stories can you tell that are filled with genuine emotion?
What stories take away risk and fear because you describe the messes you’ve solved?
What sensory description (but not fluff) and relevance can you add to infuse positive emotion and vision?

Have fun. Or don’t. Use formal language or friendly, warm, welcoming language. Or don’t. Be cool. Or don’t.

Every interaction creates story. Know the story you want to tell to sell it.

Show them who you are. Voice your brand voice.

For information on a customized email sales writing workshop for your group, please email


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