How many emails do you delete unopened each day?
A salesperson just like you thought their email would catch your eye, motivate you to open it AND read it AND also to take your time to do what they want you to do.
That has to be an amazing email!
Yet, sellers break through every day.
Do you?
How many of your unsolicited emails get results?
The goal is to gain trust immediately.
Your very first sentence needs to compel your recipient to want to read more.
Don’t ask for their advice if you don’t know them.
Don’t talk about yourself, your title or your company.
Don’t begin with some obscure commonality that you discovered while stalking them on LinkedIn.
A mutual connection is awesome.
An authentic touchpoint – a statement about why you (kinda, sorta) have the right to interrupt their day – is key.
Make that first line about them and you’ll build trust from the get-go!
Before you go…Are you looking for fresh, modern ideas to boost success at your next sales meeting or conference? SpeakerSue will energize your meeting, keep everyone engaged and provide the “kick” your team needs to create a cultural change in the way they communicate.
To use email more strategically and successfully, send an email to or call (+1-480-575-9711) to check availability. You can count on fresh, practical content to convert more leads and drive revenue and profitability.
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