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Highly Successful Prospecting with Email and LinkedIn

By July 8, 2022No Comments

When the email started with “Hello guru of all that is email,” I knew an interesting question would follow.

It turns out my friend needs to prospect from a cold list of specific titles that he found through LinkedIn. (Sound familiar?!)

His dilemma? What comes first, the email or the LinkedIn request?
If they show an email address, absolutely use it to send the first outreach if the address is a work email. (Consider the posted email address is likely gmail so recruiters can do their thing. You may very well be disturbing them on their own time and in that case, defer to Plan B.)

Make the email concise and personalized. And personalized doesn’t mean to just insert their company name or use the pronoun “you” a couple of times (though both will help). It means taking a minute or two to review their website to actually learn something about what they do or what their organizational values are.

Or use LinkedIn to do your research. You’re there anyway. Your research ensures you don’t sound like every other seller and your email is read because it’s fully relevant to them.

Also, when writing your email, worry less about moving to the next step and more about giving them ideas that make them more successful, and on creating a connection based on insight and value. You’ll eventually be given the opportunity to move to the next step.

Then use LinkedIn. Omnichannel is smart prospecting. The options are there – use ‘em!

Within 24 hours of sending the email (later that day is fine), send a LinkedIn connection. Don’t mention the email you sent. They’ll recognize the coincidence of receiving both an email and connection request. You’re becoming familiar to them!

Don’t write a spammy request.
Don’t mention the email you sent!
Don’t pitch.
Make the request personable and relevant to them.
Answer their question: Why should I connect with this person?

Yes, when you don’t have access to their email address (and can’t find it), approach first through LinkedIn.

Then what? Be prepared!

My friend thought that once the prospect accepted, they were pretty much fair game for a soft pitch. (He put it a bit differently.)
NONONONONONONONONONONONONONONO!!!!! That is like trying to get them into bed without even knowing their name. Yes, it may happen but chances aren’t great (even for you) :-). And even if it does happen, how lasting is the “relationship”?

Pique interest.
Offer value like a post on an aligned topic not written by your CEO, new research stats, etc.
Build trust.
Woo them.
Ask smart questions but don’t make them work to answer them.

Sales takes courage, enthusiasm and care. How awesome that the tools are just waiting for us to use them smartly!

Before you go—
The whirlwind is behind us and the future is bright! With two-thirds of buyers preferring remote interactions – digital and virtual – polishing your email selling skills is key to dramatically improving sales.

It’s time to stop sending email after email only to be ignored! You can write quick, strategic, smart messages that get results and drive sales!

Check availability for a fully customized on-site sales training workshop or virtual training series. Visit Sue’s website, email


or call +1-480-575-9711 for possibilities.


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