This is Us is an amazing show to watch. And the fall finale didn’t disappoint. More than the intrigue (hello Nickolas Pearson – OMG!), did you watch how Randall’s “sales”…
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Sue has spent years honing her craft, and if you’ve ever heard her speak, you know how passionate she is about what she does. If you have not witnessed her in person, you can still learn from her and enjoy her years of research, professionally and passionately laid out in writing for all to enjoy.
I was on the phone with a client and we were laughing and bonding. It was especially cool because mainly we talk by email. And though we so laugh by…
No matter where in the world, when I ask participants to tell me what they need to learn to make their day worthwhile, they say, “how to respond to a…
If Twitter can gain a “14-fold increase in replies” by being authentic, on-brand and fun, can you envision the awesome results you can achieve by infusing personality into your messaging?…
Authenticity. Care. Gratitude. Those who can communicate all three are more respected and more successful. They receive the recognition they deserve and enjoy revenue growth beyond their expectations. High achievers…
If you were selling at the turn of the century – the 20th that is – you likely were taught these manipulative closes: The Now or Never Close (Do this…
How do you think your buyers make decisions about buying? Facts first or feelings first? Though one happens only about a nanosecond after the other, one comes first. Always. It…
When I poll participants in my Power Sales Writing workshops to see how often they think their email message is correctly understood, more than half of each class thinks they’re…