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Two Easy, Clever & Important Ways to Make Your Proposal Stand Out

By December 1, 2017No Comments

“These dates are not currently being held.”

Could there be a worse way to end a proposal?

Here are two easy, clever and important ways to stand out and advance the sale:

#1. Infuse positivity!

Tell your buyer what you can do, not what you can’t.

Always provide a way to make it work.

#2. Use your last words to paint a sweet, authentic picture of their success.

Instead of closing with any sort of procedure, close with an authentic delighter.

By focusing on their success, rather than your next step in the sales process, you elevate the conversation, enhance your value proposition and create greater likeability.

When you make their buying journey sweeter, your selling experience becomes easier.


When can you:
•hold the dates/space?
•move forward?

Likely, you can hold space:
•As soon as the sales agreement is issued ….or
•As soon as the sales agreement is approved….

Tell them that!

Beyond infusing positivity, infuse excitement, too.

“Count on exceptional service to delight your guests at ABC!”

Close with words that help your buyer feel good about booking with you – and they’ll be more likely to book with you.

For information on a customized email sales writing workshop for your group, please email


or complete our quick Interest form to check Sue’s availability. Count on boosting productivity, professionalism and profits!

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